Claiming Gulf War Syndrome VA Disability Benefits Text Here
Taking injury and becoming ill is just one of the everyday risks veterans experience in their days of service. Sometimes these injuries and illness lead to long-term complications. This is, unfortunately, a common risk of being in the military. However, there are means and methods for compensating those who face life-long damage from their service.
What is Gulf War Syndrome?
It is one thing to be diagnosed with a condition, and it’s another to find out that there’s no clear explanation for the said condition. This is just one of the many issues that San Diego veterans and other veterans that fought in the Persian Gulf War have to live with.
From 1990 to 1991, military veterans in the Persian Gulf War returned with chronic and multi-symptomatic disorders characterized by fatigue, muscle pain, and headaches. Other characteristics also exist, such as diarrhea, cognitive problems, and insomnia. These conditions gradually mount and affect the veteran’s health, causing it to deteriorate progressively over time.
And it’s unfortunate that because there’s no clear reason as to what causes Gulf War Syndrome, a specific treatment for it has yet to be established. Only research implies that a cognitive-behavioral therapy approach can be taken, which may help veterans manage their symptoms better.
Although there is no clear cause for the illness, many reports suggest the cause of Gulf War Syndrome may be from pesticides and exposure to pills containing pyridostigmine bromide, which was used as a pretreatment to protect against nerve agent effects.
Common Symptoms and Risk Associated with the Disorder
Gulf War Syndrome has a slew of symptoms. As mentioned before, fatigue, muscle/joint pain, and headaches are a few of the indications of the disorder. Other common symptoms are indigestion, terminal tumors, and some neurological problems. All of these situations can create fatal conditions for the veteran.
Problems such as skin conditions, gastrointestinal problems, and chronic fatigue symptoms are examples of debilitating effects of the disorder. PTSD can also occur in veterans, as well as respiratory problems. And there’s also a report that Gulf War veterans have a higher risk of developing multiple sclerosis – a serious disease of the nervous system.
The Process for Receiving VA Benefits
Disabled San Diego veterans and other veterans who served in the Gulf War since its start on August 2, 1990, qualify for a variety of VA benefits. This includes a presumption of qualification for disability compensation if a veteran suffers from any of several medically unexplained illnesses.
Under the VA guidelines, it states that veterans do not have to demonstrate exposure to factors that caused a ‘presumptive’ disease – they instead require veterans to only prove their military service in the Gulf War. In addition, Gulf War veterans may also seek to establish service connections for non-presumptive diseases and illnesses related to their service in the Gulf War.
The rules applied to veterans’ claims are fairly straightforward. However, it should be noted that the VA may short a deserving veteran of their benefits, in which case they may need to hire a lawyer.
Get the Financial Support You Deserve
Even though the rules applied for claiming Gulf War Syndrome are straightforward, many deserving veterans are shorted by the VA. Stephen Brodsky, the ally of San Diego veterans, helps deserving veterans obtain the proper VA disability benefits. By using his decades of experience appealing VA disability claims, he can help you as well.